Java Development
We develop and maintain Java applications. We build enterprise-class systems according to your needs. We also adopt the system to the constant changes in your business.
MoreManaged Teams
Our teams have the skills, experience and guidance needed to complete your projects on time. Every team includes a seasoned project manager and business liaison.
MoreCost Savings
Through our creative business model, you get the same development teams once affordable only to large corporations. Get top technical skills at a fraction of the cost
MoreJava Development
Java being a cross-platform software has been and is still widely used in creating programs and applications on different devices that is why there is a high demand for Java Development these days. It is essential in order to cope up with the fast-paced development of technology.
Java Development is one of the reasons why we can watch high quality movies from our Blue-Ray Discs; why waiting for something or someone will no longer be a bore because of playing Candy Crush; and why we enjoy and get hooked with the latest mobile games and applications. In addition to the applications we appreciate on our mobile devices, businesses also get benefits from Java Development. From creating computing software to other business solutions, Java technology is being used. In order to cater with the huge demand for Java Development, most IT companies worldwide now offer Java Development products and services.
Here are some of the Java Development products and services commonly available in the market which consumers can take advantage of:
- Application integration
- Application testing
- Architecture Portability to J2EE framework
- Custom java development
- Desktop interface portals
- Enterprise application development
- J2EE Integration with Back Office Applications
- Java application maintenance
- Java application migration
- Java desktop application
- Java distributed application
- Java dynamic web application
- Java message service
- Java mobile application
- Java modular programs
- Java online/offline
- Java product development
- Java Professional Services
- Java secure application
- JEE development
- Multilingual java applications
- Reusable component development
- Social Media Development
- Web portal development
All of these IT companies have a Java Development team which is compose of professionals who are experienced and are well-equipped with knowledge and skills in some of the following Java technologies, tools and software:
- AJAX using Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
- Ajax4jsf,DWR
- amMap
- Apache / Tomcat
- Apache Commons
- BEA WebLogic
- DB2
- Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
- EXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) & XSL Transformations (XSLT)
- Freemaker Template
- Fusion Charts
- Hibernate
- IBM WebSphere
- IBM-Rational Application Developer (RAD)
- Jasper Report
- Java Applets
- Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)
- Java Data Objects (JDO) and Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Java Mail
- Java Micro Edition (Java ME)
- Java Server Faces (JSF)
- Java Server Pages (JSP)
- Java Standard Edition (Java SE)
- JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
- JBoss Application Server
- Liferay
- Log4J Logging API
- Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)
- Model-view-controller (MVC)
- Primefaces
- RichFaces
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Spring Web Flow
- Struts
- Swing
- Tapestry
- Tiles
- Velocity Template Engine
- Web-Oriented Architecture
- Websphere Application Server
2012 Tech Roundup
Here are the technologies we have worked with mostly in 2012.
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Amazon CloudFront
- Amazon CloudWatch
- Amazon EC2
- Amazon RDS
- Amazon Route 53
- Amazon S3
- Amazon SES
- Amazon Web Services
- Android
- Apache Commons
- Apache HTTP
- Bootstrap
- CentOS
- Cloud Hosting
- Dedicated Hosting
- Ehcache
- Firefox Add-ons
- Freemarker
- Hibernate
- JBoss
- Jackson
- JavaMelody
- JavaScript
- Jetty
- Joda Time
- Liquibase
- Lucene
- PubNub
- Maven
- Quartz
- Red Hat
- Selenium 2
- Smack
- Spring Mobile
- Spring Security
- Spring Social
- Spring
- Thymeleaf
- Tomcat
- Twilio
- twitter4j
- jQuery Mobile
- jQuery UI
- jQuery
- wro4j
Here are the topics we have written news articles about in 2012.
- Netflix Hystrix
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk Configuration Files
- Java ME Embedded and Java Embedded Suite
- HTML5 Boilerplate 4
- Terracotta BigMemory 3.7
- jQuery 1.8, 1.9 and 2.0
- JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6
- Spring for Android
- Spring Mobile
- Apache TomEE
- jQuery Mobile
- JDK 8
- Web API Design
- Typesafe Stack 2: Scala, Akka, Play
- Thymeleaf 2
- Effective Scala
- Byteman 2
- Mozilla Labs Apps
Here are the topics of our blog posts in 2012.
- iPad Mini
- Android
- SecureCRT SSH Key Authentication
- Maven
- JsRender
- window.onhashchange, jQuery hashchange, history.pushState and History.js
- Spring Mobile
- PushMon
- Jenkins and Git
- TomEE
- Apache 2
- Byteman
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk Zone Apex
2011 Tech Roundup
Here are the technologies we have worked with mostly in 2011.
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Amazon CloudFront
- Amazon EC2
- Amazon RDS
- Amazon Route 53
- Amazon S3
- Amazon SES
- Amazon Web Services
- Android
- Apache Commons
- Apache
- CentOS
- Cloud Hosting
- Ehcache
- Firefox Add-ons
- Freemarker
- JBoss
- JavaScript
- Joda Time
- Liquibase
- Lucene
- Maven
- Quartz
- Red Hat
- Selenium 2
- Smack
- Spring Mobile
- Spring Security
- Spring Social
- Spring
- Thymeleaf
- Tomcat
- Twilio
- twitter4j
- jQuery Mobile
- jQuery UI
- jQuery
- wro4j
Here are the topics we have written news articles about in 2011.
- Apache Geronimo 3
- Eclipse Jubula
- JProfiler 7
- Lucene 3.5 and Solr 3.5
- Selenium 2
- Spring 3.1
- Spring AMQP 1.0
- Spring Roo 1.2
- Spring Security 3.1
- Thymeleaf
- Twitter Storm
- Windows Azure
- Yahoo! Cocktails
Here are the topics of our blog posts in 2011.
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Amazon EC2 VM Import
- Amazon S3 Hosting
- Android Notification
- Eclipse
- Firefox Memory Restart
- Freemarker
- Jasypt
- Java Assertions
- JavaScript Namespaces
- Mobile Frameworks
- Quartz
- Spring AMQP
- Spring MVC 3
- Spring Security 3
- YUI Compressor
- jQuery UI
Get Started
Get started today and we'll do our best to bring stability and growth to your business.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email or call us at (203) 715-8272.